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Consultations Include

Expert Testimony

  • Expert Witness testimony at:

    • Deposition

    • Civil Litigation

    • Driver License Hearings

    • Suppression Hearings

    • Criminal Trial

Insurance Agent

Comprehensive Review

  • Arrest Report

  • Accident Report

  • Arrest Video / Audio

  • Witness Statements

  • Toxicological Analysis

  • Part 1: Preliminary Findings Report

  • Part 2: Final Findings - Collision  Reconstruction Report

  • Arrest and/or Crash Location Examination

  • Training, Qualifications and Compliance by:

    • Arresting Officer 

    • Breath Test Operator 

    • Agency Intoxilyzer Inspector 

  • And more...


Assistance w/ Defense Planning

  • All-Inclusive Written Report of Findings include:

    • Citations to NHTSA SFST Student/Instructor Manual

    • Citations to NHTSA ARIDE Student/Instructor Manual

    • Citations to DECP (DRE) Student/Instructor Manual

    • Citations to DUI Law Manual

  • DUI Defense / Prosecution: Strategy Planning

  • DUI Defense :  Legal Research and relevant interpretation of Florida Statutes and case law

What's Included?

Worry-Free Retainer

At Delta V Consulting we know that your time, money and freedom are valuable commodities, therefore we promise that after being retained if we discover any unfavorable factors that may jeopardize your case we will immediately notify you. If you after being made aware of the discovery decide to conclude the crash reconstruction, we will return any unearned monies held in retainer.

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